
Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans diagnostics – for your personalized periodontal therapy.

With the PadoSero, you can determine the serotypes of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, including the highly virulent JP2 clone and avoid overtreatment with antibiotics associated with this bacterium. Serotypes are variants within the species with different virulence. A distinction is made between serotypes a, b (JP2 clone if applicable), c, d, e, and f. Serotype a occurs with a high prevalence (25%) but has the lowest virulence and thus does not warrant antibiotic administration.

Now also available separately

To support a purely clinically indicated antibiotic administration, PadoSero can avoid the use of amoxicillin. You decide whether antibiotics are necessary on a purely clinical basis, PadoSero helps to avoid exposure to duplicate preparations (e.g. the Winkelhoff cocktail).

Modification of the therapy recommendation by using PadoSero

Detection of Aa

Antibiotics indicated


Detection of Aa serotype a

Antibiotics not indicated

(no amoxicillin)

How to order PadoSero?


PadoSero is included with PadoBiom® and PadoTest®, but can also be ordered separately by selecting it on the PadoTest® order form.